Minutes from the general meeting held on June 4, 2020
DVTI Meeting Notes
June 4, 2020
3-4 pm
Present: Beth Arman, Jim Blair, Ryan Buckley, Nichol Coronza (guest), Catherine Franco, Joellen Heaney, Jags Krishnamurthy, John Matthesen, Brian Nunally, Carolyn Obringer, Tamer Osman, Mario Tejada
Jim opened the meeting at 3:02.
Website Update:
Home page: main call to action will be newsletter
Registration will provide email addresses and other data.
Two Sections:
Residents interested in tech (jobseekers): new skills, new employment, connect with schools, etc. What else do we want to promote to jobseekers now prior to survey data coming back?
Business community interested in relocating, hiring remote positions, networking, resource sharing, etc. Could include a template for starting a business in the Diablo Valley. Why are tech companies here, what do they need to expand /hire more here. Need to be able to share infrastructure information to attract tech companies.
For both groups, created landing pages based on previous discussions: benefits of living here, benefits of working here, community proximity to different city centers, plugging into DVC, etc.
Added a searchable business directory with data from Crunch Base that can be updated quarterly.
Need feedback on content.
Releasing the survey right now may sound tone deaf due to the current climate, so need to use care with questions and timing.
Website will legitimize the survey.
Volunteer Teams:
Project Planning (Storybooking): Brian, Tamer, Ryan, Beth
Students/Job Seekers (Schools): Beth, John M, Jim B
Business: Jags, Tamer, Brian, Mario
Strategy/Progress (follow progress for 6 months – 1 year): Jags, Tamer, Beth, Ryan
Volunteer teams will meet on June 17th for a coordination meeting.
Next DVTI Meeting: July 2nd.
Will do a run-through of the survey to make sure the questions are appropriate
Please think about additional agenda items.